Ubuntu book

Ben Edwards funkytwig at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 16:11:36 UTC 2004

I am afraid I find the style structure and content are not what is
required for a newbie non technical desktop user who wants to use the
computer for web browsing, email and word processing.

'The manual does not assume that you are an expert. However, it does
assume that you have used computers before, and want to transfer your
skills to Linux.'

In fact it assumes you are a windows power user.  Most windows user I
know don't even know what the command line is and use a freeserve disk
to configure dial-up.

I think there is a great opportunity to create a totaly new document
which will sit alongside those which already exist and will be useful
for many distributions.

I want a manual that not only can my farther follow - one that will
not intimidate him.


On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 17:12:00 +0100, sparkes <sparkes at westmids.biz> wrote:
> Ben Edwards wrote:
> >>yup the same one we dicussed on the users list a couple of weeks ago ;-)
> >>http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/users-guide/users-guide.en.html
> >
> >
> > This looks like a standard teche type document to me.  Very command
> > line based, lots of jargon, no pictures ;(
> >
> > There is a LOT I hate about the for dummies books but they do not
> > intimidate new users.
> >
> > I am afraid I have to agree with John - a totally new book is what is required.
> So instead of fixing the existing document, which not only saves time
> but is also useful to the Debian project you still advocate reinventing
> the wheel ;-)
> >
> > Ben
> sparkes
> --
> <davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"
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Ben Edwards - Poole, UK, England
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