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Alexander Poslavsky alexander.poslavsky at
Mon Oct 25 10:11:23 UTC 2004

Hi Jim!

On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 14:04:58 -0700, Jim Bowering <iamb at> wrote:
> "People interested in actually writing documentation should sign up on the
> Core Members list . . ."
> I'd love to join the Ubuntu documentation team (as a proofreader for now,
> hopefully more as I get a handle on everything).  So, I've subscribed to
> this list and created a user (JimBowering) in UserPreferences.  I still
> don't seem to be on any list that I can see, so I've just been lurking here
> hoping things would get clearer with time.
> Should I just jump into some document and start correcting spelling and
> grammar, or what?

Add yourself to , if you want.
After that, you can do just that, correcting spelling and grammar.
Follow the mailing-list and join in the discussions, but most
important, help making the wikii the number one place for ubuntu info.

Great to have you on board,

greets, AP

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