DocumentationArea proposal regarding languages

Alexander Poslavsky alexander.poslavsky at
Sun Oct 24 20:29:12 UTC 2004

On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 15:13:11 -0500, John Hornbeck
<hornbeck at> wrote:
> > This is a major, major problem at the moment and will get worse in the
> > future.  What we are looking at is a major IA problem.  We need each
> > document to contain links to translations (and perhaps offer automatic
> > translation links to untranslated docs)
> >
> > This means we have a total mess of links with every document needing
> > links to existing translations, links to holding pages with no existing
> > translations (so they can be added by internationalisation teams) which
> > contains a link to google (or something else) to offer a machine
> > translation as a starter.
zwiki has dtml scripting, which in turn uses python. So if any python
developer is available we could put one line at the top of our
documents that would automatically point to all existing translations.
At least that is how i understand python scripting. 

Off-course we do need a good and logical naming-scheme (so that the
script will find the docs)!

greets, AP

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