DocumentationArea proposal regarding languages

Ben Edwards (lists) lists at
Sun Oct 24 20:25:59 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 15:10 -0500, John Hornbeck wrote:

> > I also noticed the Spanish pages start Spanish rather then Espanola -
> > not really for me to say as I am a ignorant englishman (i.e. I don't
> > speak any other languages) but it seems sensible for the Native
> > 'spelling' of the language to be used rather than the English one.  Now
> > all we need is for someone to take on the Basque translation ;)
> > 
> This is a common thing I find everywhere.  I work in a library and the
> whole spanish section has a huge sign saying "Spanish" and the
> Japanise(sp?) has the same instead of the spelling the language uses.

My take on this is that it shows respect for Non English speaking
visitors to have there language in... there language;)

Your library is in an English speaking country -yes - so I would expect
the labeling to be in English - the web is accessed iternationaly.
Ben Edwards - Poole, UK, England
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