Who sabatarged http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/

Jose Henriques henriquesjl at yahoo.es
Sun Oct 24 15:48:17 UTC 2004

IMHO i must say that the change's commited at Ubuntu's Wiki gives the
impression that the Wiki is really not that important, that we must use
the forums for all related to HowTo's, Documentation and other stuff.

I really like the community feeling the Wiki represents.

Well that's just my opinion, don't know what you boys and girls


Changing a little the subject of this email and being somewhat a little
Off-Topic, but, Ubuntu Rocks! It's amazing to see all the movement that
this distro is generating in the community.

On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 14:20 -0500, John Hornbeck wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 21:59 +0300, Alexander Poslavsky wrote:
> > On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 19:26:44 +0100, Ben Edwards (lists)
> > <lists at videonetwork.org> wrote:
> > > OK, so maybe the subject is a bit strong but from my humble opinion the
> > > new, totally redesigned, home page for the wiki is a massive leap
> > > backwards.
> > > 
> > > I am sure the person who did it was well intentions but it is only
> > > polite to at least discuss such major changes with the community,
> > > 
> > > To things I have noticed is that the Mailing list link douse NOT point
> > > to the mailing list but the unofficial Ubuntu forum for the mailing
> > > list!
> > > 
> > > I could go on but just go and have a look.  What do people think.  I
> > > don't want to do Major changes to the front page and cause a war so can
> > > we please discuss this?
> > 
> > i do not like it, i must say, all the internal main links dissapeared.
> > I put them back and moved the ubuntuforums stuff to other links , a
> > bit down.
> > 
> > we need to talk about who should be responsible for these kind of
> > changes and how to act on them in the future, where should we draw the
> > line?
> > 
> > greets, AP
> > 
> > if I should not have done this, let me know gently please :)
> > 
> Well I must say that I did not notice it had been changed and seems like
> alot has been changed back, but if someone is going to go and do a major
> change(as I understand this was), it needs to come to the team first.
> We are trying to put something in place so people at least know who to
> talk to before going to do stuff, but even after leadership is made the
> discussions need to come here.  If you are thinking of making major
> changes or even just changes in general that will effect something major
> or drastic change, please consult first.
> Did the changes come from Kevin Davies?
> JohnHornbeck
Jose Henriques <henriquesjl at yahoo.es>
JoseHenriques @ Ubuntu's Wiki.

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