DocTeam write-up

John Hornbeck hornbeck at
Sun Oct 24 19:29:57 UTC 2004

Hey Alex, sorry for toppost.  Your ideas, look great and it is nice to
work with someone ready to get this started :-)
	On the formating of the page I really dig what you are saying and I
think that is the format we need to go with.  On the links of the old
wiki pointing to the forums, I think that needs to be changed back into
what was there.  I don't have a problem with the forums either but
seeing how we have spent alot of time already making our wiki and
putting up howtos and such for them to be shadowed behind something else
is a insult to those who have put in alot of time.  I know we will be
moving all this data to the new site but for right now it still needs to
be used.  The BeagleInstallHowto is used constantly and does not need to
be hidden as well as none of the others need to be hidden.  If you guys
could keep me up to date on things like this because I never really go
past recent changes and look around the site. I guess from now on I will
need to surf the site and make sure things are able to be accessed.
Sorry for the long post.


On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 21:39 +0300, Alexander Poslavsky wrote:
> Hi guys(mv)!
> After our discussion on irc about not discussing on irc i decided to
> do a write-up on my thoughts on how things are going on the
> ubuntuwiki. The first thing to say is that it is going really well. We
> have lots of really nice pages and quite a number of different
> contributors. In short, for such a new distro, not bad at all.
> What is not so good? I wrote some thoughts. What do you guys think?
> greets, AP
> If you look at the SiteMap you can see there is structure is lacking
> in the wiki as it is today. Many parts of the wiki can not easily be
> reached nor found. We need a clearer structure and from that structure
> branch out. An example:
> To get from FrontPage to BeagleHowto I would need to:
> 1. Ah, a link called HowTo Guides, unfortunetely this page brings me to:
> that is not what i was looking for, back to FrontPage
> 2. Second attempt ... again a link to the ubuntuforums... Further down
> ... Finally burried between a bunch of other links the
> DocumentationArea, from there I can find the howto's. That was too
> dificult.
> I have nothing against the forums, but the wiki is supposed to be a
> source of information not just a short link *out* of the wiki.
> What do we need to do (on the new wiki) ?
>  1. we need priorities, what do we want to use the wiki for? in
> support you will see howto's and tutorials as well, why? what do the
> people who visit the wiki look at? can we somehow see that?
>  2. Bring structure in the wiki (see further down)
>  3. Make good templates for the creating of new Howto's so they look
> more or less the same. (Does plone support that???)
> Some ideas on structure in the wiki:
> has a
> nice structure. We could use something like that. We would get a page
> looking like:
> ----beginning-of-page-----
> Ubuntu wiki
> 1st paragraph. Introduction, what is wiki, what is ubuntu etc , etc,
> text text text etc
> 2nd paragraph of intro, more text. and even more.
> SiteMap:
> Documents ->
>      Development (this would be links, with an explanation)
>      Errata      (idem dito)
>      FAQs        (also here)
>      Glossary    (well, you get the idea)
>      How-Tos     (...)
>      Places to find technical support 
>      Security Notices
>      Tutorials
>      Ubuntu Document Writing Guidelines
>      Ubuntu Teams 
> End-notes, some more text. And more text. And a picture :)
> ------end-of-page-------
> >From here it would be easy to make sub-pages eg the Howto page:
> ----beginning-of-page-----
> Ubuntu Howto's
> Applications Howto's       (a link)
> Installation Howto's       (one more link)
> Kernel Howto's             (...)
> Even more specific Howto's (...)
> Search Howto's: [          ]
> List of ALL Howto's (a link)
> ->How to add you own Howto (a link)
> ------end-of-page-------
> All main groups could have a frontpage like the one above, from there
> it would be easy to find what you need.

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