A few things
sparkes at westmids.biz
Sun Oct 24 13:46:02 UTC 2004
John Hornbeck wrote:
> So it seems most of the discussions have been happening on irc, between
> doc writers and alot of questions are coming up. Here is a list lets
> see if we can answer some.
> 1. What are we doing? This has been asked alot out of me, yet I have
> no clue. :-)
> 2. Who is the doc team? This again I don't really know, I know of
> myself, plovs, sivang, asw. Those are the ones I know, I think enrico
> is in there somewhere, but he said he does not really write docs.
you can add me to that list. I do a little writting from time to time.
The last few weeks have been busy but I should start getting more free
time over the next few weeks again.
> 4. Should we be talking through mail instead of irc? Yes, we need to
> convay ideas through mail and chat while we work in irc. If major
> discussions happen in irc, we need to log them here. Not everyone can
> be in irc all the time.
if anything important happens on irc or anyone wants a chat at a
reasonable time (utc) msg me (sparkes) so I can join the fun. I don't
spend much time in #ubuntu
> These I think are most the questions I get. I seem to get the question
> asked also am *I*(hornbeck) the doc leader, no I am not. I think more
> discussion really needs to happen about what we are doing and who is
> doing what. Please respond and start talking.
If the leader position is just a not really important then I think you
should be the leader due to the fact everyone has been assuming you are
;-) if it is important then if you don't want to be nominated you can
de-nominate yourself ;-)
> John Hornbeck
<davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"
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