Alexander Poslavsky
alexander.poslavsky at gmail.com
Sun Oct 24 05:42:36 UTC 2004
Hi Simon!
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 16:27:25 -0700, Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I lead the Zwiki project, and I thought I would introduce myself. Thanks
> for Ubuntu! And I hope your Zwiki experience is a very good one. Before you
> go live, though, I want to make sure you're aware of some usability issues
> with the site. I'd like to do what I can to help reduce the shock of
> transition to zwiki and plone, and minimize bad impressions for both ubuntu
> & zwiki.
Nice to have somebody to complain to, Mark must be tired already.
> sm: I'm a tad concerned about it given this going live on monday plan
Same here saturday it was still crap, but there are still 36 hours left...
> sm: there are caching/login problems with plone, which doesn't help
I didn't experience this, but heard others complain
> sm: the wiki isn't too usable right now
> sm: guess I'll stick my head up in the doc list
> sm: wiki switchover before caching is fixed seems unwise
> I manage these beasts every day, so if you want to call on me for
> troubleshooting or configuration help please feel free. I'm sm on
> #zwiki/#plone/#zope.
Nice to have a pro, plone looks promising, she's just reluctant to
deliver. But with some help we just might be ablr to nake the ubuntu
site just as good as the distro.
greets, AP
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