Adding "last updated" to DocumentationTeamCurrentWork

Enrico Zini enrico at
Tue Nov 30 14:37:50 UTC 2004

On Fri, Nov 26, 2004 at 12:47:09AM +0100, Enrico Zini wrote:

> I'm looking through DocumentationTeamCurrentWork and I notice that the
> information would be much more useful with a "last updated" column.
> I'm going to add it next tuesday, unless someone has reasons against it,

It's tuesday, noone said anything about it, I did it.

To honour my Unix Programming instincts, I initialized the column with
the Epoch's date :)

Please update the date when you update your informations: that way it'll
be easy to see how useful the informations are, and what's really going
on now.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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