Setting up the goodies short howto
Enrico Zini
enrico at
Sat Nov 27 00:15:04 UTC 2004
I'm not posting this on a wiki because it contains scripts and
configuration files, so you may prefer a signed mail.
Here's the instructions and sample conffiles that can be a starting
point for setting up svn hooks for CIA and for updating webspaces, and
for setting up an upload queue + APT repository using debpool.
The example config files and scripts are found in the attached tarball.
Subversion hooks:
From the directory "subversion":
bin/ is what extracts the commit informations and prepares a
mail. It has few lines that need configuring at the
beginning, for selecting what gets sent.
bin/ sends the mail; nothing to change
conf/mailer.conf configures the behaviour of; usually nothing to
change, except a subject prefix if commits are sent to a
hooks/* hooks into subversion events to run the other scripts.
post-commit also contains actions I wrote to catch web
commits and update the webspace, and it can be a useful
template for similar things
APT debpool repository
To run the inbound queue, schedule this with cron
/usr/bin/debpool --config=/someplace/ --nodaemon
In the debpool directory there is a sample conffile from the Debtags project
in Alioth: only the "archive_dir" option needs to be changed, and the
archive_dir directory needs to exist for debpool to run.
Please also note that debpool is only available from debian experimental.
GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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