Doc Meeting

Enrico Zini enrico at
Tue Nov 23 16:24:27 UTC 2004

On Sat, Nov 20, 2004 at 10:59:00PM -0600, John Hornbeck wrote:

> I really think that a meeting is in order.  We did alot of discussion
> today about joining forces into one book but it seemed that we where
> distracted alot during the talk and some of use want one thing while
> others want another.  I believe all doc members should be present and we
> need to iron this thing out.  Nothing is going to get done if we are not
> on the same page.  Please post back with times you may be available.

You forgot to include your preferred times :)

I've reinitialized
for this meeting.  The old version of the page was moved to

I have a problem scheduling this meeting:

JohnHornbeck          12:00 |-| 14:00
NickLoeve         07:00|---|11:00
GeorgeDeka        07:00|----|12:00
VolvoGuy                   16:00|----------|04:00
LouiseMcCancePrice  09:00|--------|18:00
EnricoZini           10:00|-----------|22.00
# of available people  22343332233222211111

The moment of maximum participation is also a moment in which who
proposed the meeting can't attend.

If we scheduled the meeting for, say, tuesday november, 30, would
someone be able to extend his/her timespan a bit?



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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