UsersGuide questions

Christoph Haas email at
Mon Nov 22 11:45:44 UTC 2004

On Sun, Nov 21, 2004 at 09:55:03PM -0600, John Hornbeck wrote:
> Hello, I am about to start work on this but have a few questions.  In
> the system configuration chapter, are we going to include everything
> that is in the Hoary System Configuration menu?  This may be helpful to
> people, and was in the original TOC.

Yes, I think that would be better. I already rearranged the titles
because "synaptic" is already described in the "software" part. But it
probably makes sense to keep the menu structure. "software" would
contain a general section about the package management system works. And
the "synaptic" part under "system configuration" would describe the
menu items.

> Are we going to include screenshots of the items we are talking about?

Would be a nice idea. But we should keep it to a few (not photograph
every single step) to not bloat it. e.g. for the "System Configuration"
part we do not need a screenshot how each menu item looks. It should be
sufficient to just show where in the top bar the menu will open. But I
think that's self-explaining.

> If so is one person going to do all of them or is the person
> responsible for the chapter going to have to do it.  If each person is
> responsible than they may all look different.  

I suggest everybody does the screenshots for their own chapters. Let's
just try to snapshot the windows as small as possible. And if the
windows are large and only parts are important those should be cut out.
Perhaps Aaron can help doing graphics for those who like help. I'd
rather have the graphics look a little different than to have more
overhead of people waiting for each other.

> I hope to get alot done this week and than be able to move onto some
> more stuff :-)

Talking about moving... I hope you (all) are not too disappointed that I
did not move the old FAQ contents into the new layout. It has been
enough work like this. Everybody please grab their parts from the old/
directory and remove it from there so we end up with an empty directory
soon. :)

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