Outline for Ubuntu Book

Sivan Green sivan at piware.de
Sat Nov 20 19:48:06 UTC 2004

John Hornbeck wrote:

>Here is the current outline for the Ubuntu Book.  Please post back with
>suggestions for sections.  I would hope that as suggestions are made we
>can start giving out those sections to doc writers so that we can start
>working on this.  Please give input.
0. Ubuntu GNU/Linux background primier

>1. Installing Ubuntu
>              * Simple as pie
>              * Windows dual boot notes?
>2. Using Gnome
>              * 
>                Basic Anatomy
>                     1. Top Panel
>                     2. Bottom Panel
>                     3. Windows
>              * Running Applications
>              * Managing Windows
>              * 
>                Finding Files
>                     1. By Searching
>                     2. By Browsing
>                     3. With Recent Documents
>              * 
>                Managing Files
>                     1. Deletion & Trash
>                     2. Moving & Copying
>                     3. Managing Windows
>3. Common Tasks
>              * Listen to Music
>              * Create an Audio CD
>              * Check Email
>              * Instant Messaging
>              * Burn a Data CD
>              * Write a Letter
>4. Software
>              * Software Installation/Removal
>              * Keeping up to date
>5. Peripherals
>              * 
>                Digital Camera
>                     1. Installing Camera
>                     2. Insuring device is setup
>                     3. Using Camera with GPhoto?
>              * 
>                Scanner
>                     1. Installing Scanner
>                     2. Insuring scanner is setup
>                     3. Using scanner with common applications
>              * 
>                External Drives
>                     1. Installing Drives
>                     2. Insuring drives are setup
>                     3. transfering data
>              * 
>                Printers
>                     1. Installing Printers
>                     2. Insuring printer is setup
>                     3. Printing a test page
>              * 
>                Palm/Pocket PC
>                     1. Installing Palm/Pocket PC
>                     2. Insuring Palm/Pocket PC is setup
>                     3. Syncing you Palm/Pocket PC
>6. System Configuration
>              * Boot
>              * Device Manager
>              * Disks
>              * Login Screen Setup
>              * Networking
>              * Printing
>              * Screen Resolution
>              * Synaptic Package Manager
>              * Time and Date
>              * Users and Groups
>7. More Information
>              * Command Line
>              * Applications for "Switchers"
>              * Hardware Compatibility
>              * 
>                Philosophy
>                     1. GNU
>                     2. Linux
>                     3. Ubuntu

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