Outline for Ubuntu Book

John Levin john at technolalia.org
Sat Nov 20 17:25:58 UTC 2004

On 20 Nov 2004, at 16:58, John Hornbeck wrote:

> Here is the current outline for the Ubuntu Book.  Please post back with
> suggestions for sections.  I would hope that as suggestions are made we
> can start giving out those sections to doc writers so that we can start
> working on this.  Please give input.

> 3. Common Tasks
>               * Listen to Music
>               * Create an Audio CD
>               * Check Email
>               * Instant Messaging
>               * Burn a Data CD
>               * Write a Letter

Browsing the internet (firefox).

That should be the first common task - if only because should the user 
need any help beyond the book, that'll be where they get it.

Also, a section on setting up internet access (dial up and adsl modems) 
- perhaps this would come under System Configuration/Networking, but 
I'd suggest putting it under peripherals.


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