Guidelines for writing?

Enrico Zini enrico at
Fri Nov 19 23:18:09 UTC 2004


There's been some off-list discussion about the Linux / GNU/Linux issue
when naming Ubuntu, and as I understood the situation is that they
should be used as follows:

  Ubuntu  or  Ubuntu Operating System
    When referring to Ubuntu
    When referring to Linux plus userland applications
  Ubuntu GNU/Linux
    If one wants to explicitly refer to the GNU/Linux nature of the
    current Ubuntus
    When referring to the Linux kernel

This discussion made me remember that many editors have writing styles
guidelines for their writers, to guarantee some level of uniformity.

Now, I wouldn't want to see a superlong style guide explaining how many
spaces go after a full stop and if there should be a comma before the
"and" at the end of a list[1].  However it would be nice to collect items
like this "Ubuntu OS / Ubuntu GNU/Linux" thing in a document that
everyone can quickly have a look at.

I started this page, where I can collect other similar items that pass
around the list:



[1] An example of what we probably don't need:
A very nice read is however here:
I may be tempted to put something about gender-neutral language, though:
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