Second Documentation Team Meeting summary
Enrico Zini
enrico at
Sat Nov 6 17:04:01 UTC 2004
Hello all!
I've finally finished summarizing the meeting we had 2 days ago. You
can find it on the wiki at
For the really lazy people that I love and cherish, here's a copy:
Documentation meeting summary, thursday november 4, 2004
Let the Holy Cow Moo!
Today #ubuntu-meeting hosted the second Ubuntu Documentation meeting, and
this is the traditional summary of the event. The agenda for the meeting is
currently found on
Participants (alphabetically sorted):
* Alexander Poslavsky (plovs)
* Alexander (Sasha) Wait (asw)
* Christoph Haas (ChrisH)
* Enrico Zini (enrico)
* George Dekavalas (George^Deka)
* John Hornbeck (hornbeck)
* Louise McCance-Price (lulu)
* Paul Sladen (sladen)
* Sivan Green (sivang)
* Steven Parkes (sparkes)
Cristoph Haas and George Deka have been welcomed in the team.
* Status of the team
The meeting started by wrapping up the state of the documentation team: who's
who and who does what.
Alexander Poslavsky (plovs)
Have been cleaning up the wiki, adding some icons and looking at the
Alexander (Sasha) Wait (asw)
Recently self-apoointed free software zealot. Willing test-subject for
community procedures and evangelist for the use of the Ubuntu O/S in science.
Also runs an ALife group in Boston and is the new maintainer of the
Christoph Haas (ChrisH)
New to the devel side of Ubuntu. Sent an introduction to ubuntu-devel@
yesterday. Have been maintaining Debian projects like
before and want to check if there is work for him here.
Enrico Zini (enrico)
Enrico is currently half-available, in Brasil for a conference until the 8th
of november. He's been appointed as the documentation team secretary and is
now working on setting up himself in this role and to learn how to interact
with Canonical.
He's the person to complain to. The
wiki page lists a list of advertised secretary services.
George Dekavalas (George^Deka)
Currently doing nothing, has been thinking about making the plunge into
contributing back and tonight is just the start of it.
John Hornbeck (hornbeck)
Hornbeck is setting up a subversion server in a machine he owns, to be used
by the documentation team to do group work on bigger docbook documents.
There's been some svn/arch/bazaar discussion; Lulu suggested that Robert
Collins would help in setting up Bazaar.
In the end, Hornbeck is taking care of setting up the system, possibly
checking with Rob Collins about the current status, pros and cons of Bazaar.
The idea is starting with whatever works and be open to move to something
else if we'll see it would help.
enrico and asw offered to help
Louise McCance-Price (lulu)
Responsible for the Canonical and Ubuntu websites and making sure our
Community's needs are met by the site and the wiki. Also - have been working
with plovs on the APFrontPage
Sivan Green
Has a list of current activities on
Currently also paying special attention to new people who join us, as well as
well as devising a more formal plan / page for that matter.
Steven Parkes (sparkes)
He is writing a book different from hornbeck's, based on the current upstream
Ben Edwards dropped out of the team for reasons that he doesn't want to make
public. We all hoped that everything is allright and that he will like to come
back: Ben, you'll be really welcome at any time!
In order to see who does what in the wiki, and to avoid spending time making
the list in the meeting, everyone could maintain in their personal page in the
wiki a list of the wiki pages they maintain.
* Group work infrastructure
List of tools we are currently using:
- The Wiki
- The upcoming Hornbeck's version control systems for large docs
- The mailing list
- IRC, currently using #ubuntu-devel. There's been consensus on creating a
#ubuntu-doc channel. Enrico is taking care of solving the issue of channel
Since ZWiki allows choosing different markup styles, we tried to see if
there should be a wiki markup format of choice. Consensus was that the people
active on a page are the ones that decide on its format.
The markup of bigger documents maintained outside of the wiki has instead been
agreed to be DocBook-XML ( ChrisH offered to help with providing
Docbook-XML templates and Makefiles
Current wiki issues:
- speed
Lulu wrote to the list saying that they're working on it, but nothing is
going to happen in the short term
- Things lacking since Moin
Enrico has seen TableOfContents often mentioned in the list; noone mentioned
other things
- License of wiki contents
The documentation team has agreed on GPL; Canonical has to decide. Enrico
summarized the issues in
and Lulu will take care of getting Canonical to decide on it and will get
back to the team. One a decision is taken, the license should be mentioned
in the frontpage and in the wiki editing page, if possible.
* Approaching new members:
Sivan is working on a document streamlining the process of joining the
documentation team, together with a newcomer TODO list and learning resources.
Various people reported problems joining existing communities, and we don't
want to repeat the same mistakes. Discussions and suggestions have been
summarized in the Documentation Team Dogma:
** Documentation Team Dogma **
- All help mails should be answered
Because getting an answer to a mail is very frustrating.
- RTFM is not an answer, unless it's nicely put and with a working link to
the documentation
If someone is able to RTFM without a link to the M, probably (s)he
wouldn't have asked in the first place.
- If you see it, reply
This is a nice way to avoid everyone thinking "I'm sure someone will
reply to this", with the result that no reply get out.
- Don't worry about duplicate replies
It's not a problem if more people answer the same question: for people
asking, the more replies the better, and it makes you feel really wanted
and that people are there to help you out. And it's not a big bandwidth
waste anymore like in the very old days.
Ideally, when someone approaches us and says "I wanna help" he should be able
to do so in matter of hours.
George^Deka also pointed that there is no link from ubuntu mail-list page to
the -doc ML, and he had to find the link to the -doc list it in a post from
-users. He also pointed out that the meeting announcement forgot to mention
the channel is on freenode.
Sivan offered to be responsible for the Welcome team, but he would like some
backup persons in case he can't be responsive for a while. Enrico offered to
* Goals for Hoary (HoaryHedgehog wiki page)
Adapt Debian documentation to Ubuntu
The team finally agreed that Ubuntu documentation be based on Debian
documentation. Existing Debian documents can be polished and documentation
about Ubuntu specific quirks and features should be added. Fixes will be
contributed back to Debian.
Ideally, we could use a branch and merge system like the Ubuntu developers
do tracking Debian code, but we'll think about that when we get experienced
enough with revision control.
Hornbeck will fire up his version control server by uploading
gnome2-user-doc into it. sparkes_x is also currently fixing debian docs.
Hornbeck has been talking with people in the Debian Documentation Team
( and they welcome cooperation between the
two teams. Everyone has cheered happily at this possibility of joint-work
between Debian and Ubuntu documentation teams!
An idea that has shown up in the meeting is also working with the
documentation team to improve the documentation that is currently shipped
inside packages, like manpages or /usr/share/doc documentation.
Hornbeck will start looking at debian docs that could help us and updating
sparkes suddendly dropped the group protesting because he has always been
proposing this and noone seemed to care. Everyone was stunned and hopes
this was just an outburst of frustration due to some communication
problems, that can be overcome soon and we would like to have sparkes back
with us.
Package the wiki documentation so that it is readable offline
There is a lot of good documentation, like the FAQs and HOWTOs, on the wiki
that can be useful as help in the documentation, possibly also in Yelp; the
doc section in the main site is a mix of HTML and structured text and will
need to be all converted to structured text.
Lulu is looking into Plone ATContentTypes and lingua plone for the site so
we can deal with translations, but it's going to be a little while to get
that done.
In the HoaryGoals page there are some doc-related points that is worth
looking at.
Another meeting will be scheduled in a couple of weeks about more precise
outlining of milestones, with the idea that it's best to talk about
milestones after all the infrastructure is in place and we get going writing
documentation together.
One other problem with Hoary specific milestones is that the Hoary feature
list is stabilized fairly late.
George^Deka will take care of joining the ubuntu-devel list and interact with
the developers to help with prioritising documentation work and ask about
what they might require.
Lulu proposed to make a page in the wiki with a table with person responsible
and deadline dates. Sivan will break up the /USB pages into that, but needs
help in doing it. This way each release can have its goals set out by the
doc team and the dev team can collaborate with doc team on it.
George^Deka could also try to work on a document on how to make the most out
of FireFox, as he heavily follows the Mozilla community.
Hornbeck will be compiling his book into its order of the next couple weeks
and calling on people to help in areas.
* FrontPage
Plovs has been working hard on the new FrontPage for the wiki, and the data
from the old front page has almost all been incorporated in the new one.
Everyone agreed this this new page is great and lulu will take care of making
it become the new FrontPage. Only thing to add is the wiki licensing issue
once it will be settled.
The meeting finished after 1 hour 45 minutes with the Insightful Moo of the
Holy Cow. It's been a great meeting, and see you all in ubuntu-doc and
GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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