not valid XHTML

Alexander Poslavsky alexander.poslavsky at
Fri Nov 5 06:08:49 UTC 2004

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 19:31:35 -0500, volvoguy <volvoguy at> wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 20:47:52 +0100, Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski
> <emil.oppeln.bronikowski at> wrote:
> > > it's not vaid XHTML :
> >
> >  Don't you think that it's HARD (next to impossible?) to get
> > everything valid, when we're speaking about Wiki? You'd have to expect
> > that everyone in Doc team are up-to-date with WC3 specs.
> Along this line of thought... Should people who ARE 100% up-to-date on
> W3C specs use the HTML mode when editing instead of "structured" or
> "restructured"? (I still haven't figured out which one we're
> *supposed* to be using)
> Personally, I'm more comfortable writing in (X)HTML than trying to
> search all over for the correct way to mark something up with a
> particular wiki format. In my case this is further complicated by the
> fact that I actively participate in several wikis running different
> software (of which MediaWiki is my fav!).
> Any thoughts? If not, has a "formatting guidelines" document been
> written yet? Something that explains which editing option (plain text,
> structured, html) and general formatting rules (only use second or
> third level headings on pages, etc)?

Hi Aaron,
we ave the beginning of a formatting guideline at:

It is not finished yet because everything is still newish, smelling of
paint etc. My personal opinion is, use as little html as possible, if
the only reason is W3C specs, the text will still be incorperated in
plone, so as long as plone does it wrong, it does not help anyway.

Now we could use a hand on the above-mentioned doc, so if you as
graphical-guy could take a look?

And we do have some pages that could use some html love, we have our
hardware database, it looks horrible, tables just don't dig it for a
database, but we haven't even started thinkng how to make this a
userfriendly higgified uber-database frontend, so feel free to take a
look at:

what would be a good way to make this work? Let us know.

See you on the list or in #ubuntu-doc,

greetings, Alexander Poslavsky Ubuntu Documentation Team

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