SynapticHowto on ubuntulinux wiki

Alexander Poslavsky alexander.poslavsky at
Tue Nov 2 09:09:09 UTC 2004

Hi Michael,

thank you for Synaptic. Package-management is a lot easier if you have
good tools.
On the Ubuntu wiki, we have a howto about Synaptic, how to use it etc.
I was wondering if you would be willing to contribute and write (or
actually update the present, short) article on Synaptic.

the link is: 

If you want, you can edit right in the wiki, just register and login
(sorry about the registration, but spam-bots, will mess up the wiki if
we don't use registration). If you would prefer not to, you can send
it to me, and i'll add it to the wiki. If you have no time (or as a
real programmer  do not write documentation ;-) ), thanks anyway for a
a really usefull program.

greetings, Alexander Poslavsky Ubuntu Documentation Team

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