Creating consensus regarding page types in wiki

Alexander Poslavsky alexander.poslavsky at
Mon Nov 1 05:57:52 UTC 2004

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 12:42:05 +1100, dale < at> wrote:
> Hey All,
> All ideas sounds good. I support ben's idea of slightly different
> color to each section. The icons in the corner are useful and nice but
> page color would certainly be more 'user aware'.
> cheers
> dale
> On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 00:08:01 +0000, Ben Edwards <funkytwig at> wrote:
> > I think Enrico, as usual, has come up with a great solution.  I
> > actually feel I have given at least one reason why I think there
> > should be a difference - just because sparks does not agree with them
> > douse not mean they are not reasons.  Reasons can be good/bad or
> > simply wrong reasons but they are still reasons.  I may not agree with
> > sparks reasons but I would never say he has not come up with any.

Guys this has been a long discussion, let's finish it during the
doc-meating,. We can vote on it or something.

What we need is:
* somebody draw some icons for draft, howto, bug-report etc 
* we need a new frontpage, a how-to-write-stuff page, a good help page
* streamline our content, people ask stuff on the mailinglist/irc that
is on the wiki, why didn't they find it?
* The old wiki does not point to the new wiki, after more then a week?!?
* and we all must start writing pages. 

We still do not know what to use (moin, RST, ReST, html) but the most
important thing is lots of usefull pages, not two blue ones and a
yellow one, perfectly formatted.
I use ReST, and have written quite many pages with it. Some others use
moin. So be it, Moin is easier, ReST is more powerfull, i *need* stuff
that i cannot do with moin in zwiki. So what? Should people stop using
moin? No! Should I stop using ReST, yeah right!

Let's add content guys, not discuss stuff we do not decide anyway, we
do *not* admin the wiki, only provide content. Let's do what we can.

greets, and a smile, AP Ubuntu Doc Team

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