Creating consensus regarding page types in wiki

Ben Edwards funkytwig at
Mon Nov 1 00:08:01 UTC 2004

I think Enrico, as usual, has come up with a great solution.  I
actually feel I have given at least one reason why I think there
should be a difference - just because sparks does not agree with them
douse not mean they are not reasons.  Reasons can be good/bad or
simply wrong reasons but they are still reasons.  I may not agree with
sparks reasons but I would never say he has not come up with any.

Lets have 'humility to others' and respect one another views ;)

I think a strap line like - 

This page is part of the ubuntu wiki, its accuracy has not necessarily
been checked by the documentation team.

with 'ubuntu wiki' linking to a page explaining what this means and
what the implications are would do the trick.

I would like a different colour background as this type of thing is
often used in websites to denote different sections and this would not
surprise the visitor.  IMHO.

At the end of the day I will take the advise of our gardener - hoping
he is smiler to the Peter Sellers character in 'Being There' ;)


On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 11:22:15 -0300, Enrico Zini <enrico at> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 05:13:44PM +0100, sparkes wrote:
> > >I think we just need to disagree - if I was to continue this
> > >discussion I would want to put up a wiki page so the issues can be
> > >consolidated.
> > there wouldn't be any repetition if you could just come up with that one
> > reason why the wiki should be different from the main site ;-)
> > I see no reason to continue the discussion anyway as it is going no
> > where.  The wiki is intergrated into the site and we will do our best to
> > maintain it.
> I'm jumping in a bit late, but I don't see you as being so fundamentally
> in disagreement.  As I see it: you have two different concerns:  Ben
> wants different things to appear different, and sparkes doesn't want
> similar things to appear different.  I agree with both of you :)
> How about keeping the same layout and just putting a logo in one corner
> to distinguish the kind of documentation?  "Wiki", "Draft", "Reviewed"
> or whatever distinction we think it's needed (possibly, no more than,
> say, 3/4 different kind of pages, or it's a lot of confusion).
> Ciao,
> Enrico
> --
> GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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Ben Edwards - Poole, UK, England
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