Reorganized the repository

Sean Wheller sean at
Mon Dec 27 07:28:54 UTC 2004

On Monday 27 December 2004 08:57, Enrico Zini wrote:
> I've done merging Sean's patches into the repository and moving
> everything into trunk.  Now we have a proper structure in the
> repository:
>   trunk/
>     The equivalent as before
>   tags/
>     Snapshots of relevant revisions
>   branches/
>     Alternate work lines

Thanks enrico,

That looks much better :-)

OK, ChrisH was heard asking on #ubuntu-docs how tags, branches and trunk works
"Looks like I have to learn subversion from scratch if I look at all that 
trunk, head, tag, branch, patch, main stuff."

"What about tags/? Will those snapshots be taken automatically? Or am I 
supposed to do anything in there?"

"branches/ are probably alternatives that could be "merged" somehow if we 
desire, right?"

People who have not been using SVN will need to do a little reading. Writers 
wanting training on Subversion can look here

ChrisH, to answer your questions, please read the following section:

Sometimes people don't like using the command line interface. For these people 
I suggest using a GUI Front end. My personal favorite is eSvn 
[]. It is available for GNU/Linux and Windows. 

eSvn has been accepted to debian. The package page is here:

If you don't like eSvn I have a list of solutions on this page


Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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