[giova at digitalright.org: Re: New wiki page added]

Alexander Poslavsky plovs at plovs.dyndns.org
Sun Dec 19 22:30:34 UTC 2004

----- Forwarded message from Giovanni Sce <giova at digitalright.org> -----

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 12:14:30 -0500
From: Giovanni Sce <giova at digitalright.org>
To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: New wiki page added

I assume that as per wiki fashion anybody (registered)
can upload comments and suggestions.
I would say, that I hope that most of the information
from a thread, once has been clarified, would end up
in the wiki. It would be great if beside the wiki we could
expand other helpfull sites like ubuntufaq and the informal
guide (I don't remember the links now, or even if they
are the same).
Even greater could be, if we could incorporate the best
of this information in the help system. If this seems
reasonable and there is need of work I can take a part
on it.



Quoting Ingo Lantschner <ingo.lists at vum.at>:

> Myles Green wrote:
> > Seriously though, comments and/or suggestions are welcome.
> Ok, thanks a lot!
> One suggestion: Its always very helpfull for the novice to know and
> understand the problem before you explain him/her the soltion. So I
> would lik eto see a sentence like this at the beginning:
> "This howto explains how to configure Ubuntu so that an additional
> harddisk is accessible. We ssume that the harddrive is physicaly mounted
> and detected by the BIOS. "
> Regards, Ingo.

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