Conference Evening Report 2

Enrico Zini enrico at
Tue Dec 7 00:33:17 UTC 2004


Evening report for today.  This is shorter than last time because I'm
partly drunk, as Mako has a really good burbon with him.

In the afternoon I went to the non-latin-input BOF.  Notes posted to the
IRC channel:
  mako opens the BOF: A goal for hoary is having input methods for as
  many scripts as we can figure out what to do

  some (many) input methods have been mentioned to show the current mess

  there is a need to see what people are actually using

  there is a need to find people who actually are part of the community
  using the input method so that they could tell if things are working
  (Sivan: would you like to do some testing for the Hebrew input method?)

(the last part is actually different from the original transcript,
probably because my laptop crashed in the meantime).

I then had a look around the website with Lulu.  I started making a
prototype for a categorization interface to pages, and then asked
Alexander Limi if Plone actually supported something like that.  There
are sample interfaces like the one I have in mind at:

We also talked about having a site-specific google search field hanging
around, which is very easy to do ( has one, and we can
cut&paste the HTML snippet from there).

In the meantime, Alexander got back to me, but I'm too drunk at the
moment to understand the answer (and it looks so complicated that I
wonder if I'll be able to understand it even when sober, but it's
kind of promising anyway).

On the way back to the dinner restaurant (we ended up into a
self-calling Italian restaurant... BAH[1]!  Me, Fabbione were a bit
disgusted; Cenerentola is a quiet person and didn't say much, except
he couldn't shut up about the white Lambrusco wine on the menu.
Actually, none from our region could ever shut up about that) I also
talked with Daf about the relationship between the translation teams and
the localized documentation teams; appearently, there's not much
happening in the translation teams, especially because Ubuntu bases
itself on Debian which is already translated.

Something's probably changing when Rosetta ships, however so far the
only thing we can do is add more local contents (such as local
communities, mailing lists, IRC channels) to
so that people interested in language-dependent issues can see all the
places available for them.

We're also all waiting for LinguaPlone to happen, so that we can easily
track translated versions of things.

After we came back from the restaurant, things became alcoholic and
chocoholic.  You don't want a report of that, but you might find
pictures in the next days. ;)

Good night,


[1] 4 cheeses farfalle tasted like socks, and carbonara bucatini tasted
like aglio e olio without chili.  But they had entire pieces of garlic
inside, which I appreciated just because I've been in Korea once, and
because Amu remembered me it was really healthy.
GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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