Ubuntu Conference Evening Report

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Sun Dec 5 23:42:43 UTC 2004


As your faithful secretary, I decided to maintain a short evening report
for every day in which I'm at the conference, so that people who
couldn't make it or who aren't here yet can get a feeling of what's
going on.

Today there's little to report: it was a get here, settle down, chill
out day, with lots of hi!s and hugs.  The hotel is nice, the fridge in
the room is noisy, there's only one key per room so you need to organise
with your roommate.  Wireless lan is not (yet) accessible from hotel
rooms unless you pay for it or you do IP over DNS, but someone will
probably try to setup some alternative access.

Tomorrow morning, 9 o'clock, first opening session.  Stay tuned: I'll
keep you in touch, and I'll be online in #ubuntu-doc as much as
possible during the conf.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at debian.org>
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