[ubuntu-dk] Fwd: Open Source Days 2010: User Group Information

Søren Bredlund Caspersen soeren.b.c at gmail.com
Lør Feb 13 16:38:32 GMT 2010

Hej Anders, Michael, Jan (og andre som skal med til osd).

I tre har biletter til lørdagen. Jeg sender dem så snart jeg modtager dem.

Det er muligt at få adgang fredag eftermiddag, hvis nogen vil begynde
at sætte bod op allerede fredag (måske i forbindelse med Nokia tingen
eller folk som skal med om fredagen  - det er vel samme sted?)

Bemærk at vi skal have forlængerledninger med som kan række 5 meter og
at klistermærker er strengt forbudt :)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexander Færøy <ahf at opensourcedays.org>
Date: 2010/2/13
Subject: Open Source Days 2010: User Group Information
To: soeren-b-c at ubuntu.com

Dear User-group,

Open Source Days 2010 is getting closer and we'll slowly start revealing
practical information about the user-group area for the 2010 edition of the

As a user-group you'll have 3 tickets for Saturday-only available for your
disposal. You'll get a table and power-connectivity, so that you can setup
demo-installations and such. What you do at the table is up to you :)

You'll need to bring your own power cables and powerstrips. You'll probably
have 5m to the nearest power outlet. Stickers are strictly forbidden at the
conference.  Wireless internet access will be available.

Tickets will be sent to your contact person (the person who has received this
email) before the conference. It's up to you hand them out to the persons who
will be representing your user-group.

It'll be possible to get access to the UG-area Friday after 16:00, if you have
the need for setting up banners and such.

More information will be sent out later.

Don't hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions regarding the

Kind regards,

Alexander Færøy

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