[ubuntu-dk] Fwd: Announcing the next Global Bug Jam
Jesper Jarlskov
jesper at jarlskov.dk
Søn Jan 11 14:50:02 GMT 2009
Jeg troede egentlig der var lagt en dato. Men ville det ikke være
relevant at holde det i løbet af weekenden 20-22Februar, hvor der er
global bug jam? Der er vel god garanti for at andre gør det samme rundt
omkring, så der kan måske være ekstra hjælp at hente på IRC osv? :-)
Jesper Jarlskov
Martin Pihl wrote:
> Hm ja, men problemet er, at de sessions ikke drejer sig om, hvordan man
> kommer i gang med bug triaging, men om hvordan man kommer i gang med
> holde bug jams.
> Og problemet er også, at de guides og videoer til "afholdelse af bug
> jam" forudsætter, at der er en eller flere, som i forvejen ved hvordan
> helt præcis foregår. Men vi er ikke nogen i det danske community, som
> ved voldsomt meget om det, og vi må derfor arbejde sammen om at finde ud
> af det ;)
> Jeg håber desuden, at vi kan melde en dato ud her indenfor et par dage.
> Søren Bredlund Caspersen wrote:
>> Hej alle.
>> Specielt med tanker på den kommende 'workshop i Århus' så bemærk at
>> Daniel Holbach og Jorge Castro (som opvarmning til Global Bug Jam d.
>> 20 - 22 februar 2009) afholder pre-jam sessions, der er tænkt som en
>> introduktion til afholdelse af et bugjam. Se detaljer her:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam
>> Det kunne være nogen ville finde det interessant...
>> Mvh.
>> Søren
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Jorge O. Castro <jorge at ubuntu.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 5:35 PM
>> Subject: Re: Announcing the next Global Bug Jam
>> To: "Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts"
>> <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 9:32 PM, Chuck Frain <chuckfrain at pobox.com> wrote:
>>> Have a 'Running a bug jam' meeting in early January to give people time to
>>> prep a bit based off what they learn. Then a followup at the end of the
>>> month or early February to catch follow up questions and deal with issues on
>>> the way to the day.
>>> About two weeks before have a series of IRC sessions on 5-a-day, triaging,
>>> how to use launchpad and other topics as seen fit.
>> Hi Chuck (and others),
>> I have gone ahead and scheduled some pre-jam sessions with myself and
>> Daniel here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam
>> These will be for loco leaders or people who are interested in
>> learning how to run a jam. (We did these last year)
>> These dates were picked so we could have 2 in the European timezone
>> and 2 in the US (after work). If anyone who has run jams in the past
>> wants to add themselves and run sessions that cover other timezones
>> then that would be great, or you could just show up to the existing
>> sessions and help out.
>> I have also linked the youtube video to the wiki. Chuck when you
>> update your presentation I think you should also link to it from the
>> GBJ page for more visibility. Basically at that point we can say
>> "here's a video to watch, here's some training sessions, and here's a
>> presentation you can use."
>> --
>> Jorge Castro
>> jorge (at) ubuntu.com
>> External Project Developer Relations
>> Canonical Ltd.
>> --
>> loco-contacts mailing list
>> loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts
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