ubuntu-dk [Fwd: Translating the Firefox Start page]

Lasse Nielsen menza at menza.org
Lør Apr 15 10:35:34 BST 2006

Hej Niels

Den opgave vil jeg meget gerne påtage mig.

Med venlig hilsen,

Lasse Nielsen

Niels Kjøller Hansen wrote:
> Hej gruppe.
> Matthew East sendte denne rundt d. 5. april. Jeg har haft sindssygt
> travlt indtil nu, og har først lige fået ryddet op i al min post.
> Det handler om at få oversat Firefox startsiden til Ubuntu Dapper. Jeg
> har ikke selv tid til at oversætte, men jeg håber da at nogen på listen
> kunne lokkes til det. Jeg læser dog gerne korrektur om ønsket.
> mvh
> Niels Kjøller Hansen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Translating the Firefox Start page
> From:
> Matthew East <mdke at ubuntu.com>
> Date:
> Wed, 05 Apr 2006 14:17:45 +0100
> To:
> ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com, loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
> To:
> ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com, loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
> CC:
> rosetta-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Hello all,
> We are setting up a mechanism for localising the Ubuntu browser start
> page. For that, we need some translators to get busy and do us a
> translated version.
> Please take a look at the attached index.html, decide amongst yourselves
> who is going to do the translation, and send me the translated version,
> explaining which locale it is for.
> Please try and ensure that I don't get more than one copy for each
> locale, otherwise it will get confusing.
> Sorry not to do this via Rosetta, but html is a bit of a pain to get
> into a pot template. I promise that all other documentation will be in
> Rosetta, soon.
> Matt
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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