Giving developers access to requeue package imports [Was: Ubuntu Platform developers BOF session?]

Barry Warsaw barry at
Wed Nov 13 21:23:31 UTC 2013

On Nov 13, 2013, at 09:54 PM, Sebastien Bacher wrote:

>That's a good question ... what's the goal of UDD? Having an history of the
>changes that is easy to query? Make possible to stage changes without
>uploading? Have an easy way to integrate into launchpad for reviews (by using
>the merge requests)?

Yes, merge proposals, sponsoring, collaborative branches, etc.  Also, local
version control while you're developing changes, being able to better manage
upstream or Debian merges, etc.

In my previous 'bot analogy, there's one difference: your local commits won't
show up as a side line-of-development once the importer lands your changes.
That'll make the git fast-forward fans happy though. :)


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