Giving developers access to requeue package imports [Was: Ubuntu Platform developers BOF session?]
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
dmitrij.ledkov at
Wed Nov 13 19:17:56 UTC 2013
On 13 November 2013 17:39, Andrew Starr-Bochicchio <a.starr.b at> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Andrew Starr-Bochicchio
> <a.starr.b at> wrote:
>> Though since we're talking about it, the one stop gap fix that would
>> make me happy would be if all Ubuntu Developers could trigger the
>> equivalent of the local ' --full' command that UDD
>> admins can run. Some history might get lost, but at least out of date
>> branches could be made usable.
> This seems to have been the topic that has generated the most
> interest. It seems to be a bit of an overkill to have a vUDS session
> on it, especially if we don't have the right people in the room. So
> maybe we can try to hammer out the requirements here?
> Currently you need shell access to Jubany in order to run the command.
> [0] I know that this request has come up in the past, but my Google-fu
> is failing me now. Adding the (seemingly dormant) UDD list to the
> conversation in hopes of catching the right person.
> [0]
I requeue packages from time to time, upon request. But I don't keep a
track of packages for which full requeue doesn't help.
Nor have a good way to process such requests.
Maybe a request wiki page? I'd subscribe to it, and would comment
which one requeued and whether that fixes / not fixes the branch.
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