bzr merge-upstream: why delete and add the same unchanged file?

Andreas Hasenack andreas at
Tue Mar 20 21:06:52 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 03/20/2012 05:58 PM, James Westby wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Mar 2012 16:20:29 -0300, Andreas Hasenack
> <andreas at> wrote:
>> Why is it removing and adding the same file? This file (and
>> several others) didn't change between ubuntu:landscape-client
>> and lp:landscape-client, it's exactly the same.
> I'm assuming that this is the first time you've done any sort of
> merge between the two?

Yes, and I don't have commit or upload rights to
ubuntu:landscape-client, so it will always be the first time :)

> Because they are unrelated branches from bzr's point of view, it
> has to reconcile the history and file-ids. For the history it joins
> the two

I understand they are isolated and separated branches. I thought
supporting a bzr branch for the upstream branch was more of a
convenience and that merge-upstream would actually just export it to a
temporary tarball and then move on like if I had given it a tarball to
work with, but I see now that's not the case.

If I do the export to a tarball and give the tarball to
merge-upstream, it works as I would have expected:

But of course, no history then, just my changelog.

> revisions history together, which is fine. The file ids isn't so
> easy though, as they can't be joined.
> Therefore it replaces the ubuntu file ids with the upstream ones,
> which is why you see everything as removed and added.
> This is annoying, but it allows you to move forward, and only needs
> to happen once.

It also makes it very hard to review the changes this first time,
right? The diff isn't helpful.

Thanks for the explanation! I think I will stick with the temporary
export tarball approach for now.

- -- 
Andreas Hasenack
andreas at

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