problem with recipe build

Scott Moser smoser at
Fri Mar 2 22:15:24 UTC 2012

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but not sure what.
I'm trying to just set up a launchpad build of two branches, one 'trunk'
that launchpad is pulling from an svn repo, and a packaging only branch.

I'm not quite sure why there would be expected to be a tag
'upstream-0.9.4+r4177' as that string is something that was created due to
this build recipe.  But the working-dir has in it a directory named
'madwifi-0.9.4+r4177' and debian/changelog in that says:
| madwifi (0.9.4+r4177-0ubuntu0+7) precise; urgency=low
|   * Auto build.
|  -- Scott Moser <smoser at>  Fri, 02 Mar 2012 16:58:43 -0500

Which seems sane to me.  The upstream source doesn't have tags named
'upstream-<version>', but only 'release-<version>'.


$ dpkg-query --show bzr-builder
bzr-builder 0.7.2-0ubuntu1

$ cat madwifi-daily.recipe
# bzr-builder format 0.4 deb-version 0.9.4+r{svn-revno}-0ubuntu0+{revno:packaging}
#merge packaging /home/smoser/src/madwifi/ubuntu.dist
merge packaging lp:~smoser/madwifi/ubuntu

$ bzr dailydeb madwifi-daily.recipe working-dir
Building tree.
Retrieving 'lp:~smoser/madwifi/trunk' to put at 'working-dir/madwifi-daily-0.9.4+r{svn-revno}-0ubuntu0+{revno:packaging}'.
Merging 'lp:~smoser/madwifi/ubuntu' in to 'working-dir/madwifi-daily-0.9.4+r{svn-revno}-0ubuntu0+{revno:packaging}'.
All changes applied successfully.
Committing to: /home/smoser/src/madwifi/x/working-dir/madwifi-daily-0.9.4+r{svn-revno}-0ubuntu0+{revno:packaging}/
added debian
added debian/README.source
added debian/changelog
added debian/compat
added debian/control
added debian/copyright
added debian/
added debian/dkms_dbversion
added debian/madwifi-dkms.install
added debian/madwifi-dkms.postinst
added debian/madwifi-dkms.prerm
added debian/madwifi-tools.install
added debian/patches
added debian/rules
added debian/source
added debian/watch
added debian/patches/no-kernel-headers-required.patch
added debian/patches/series
added debian/source/format
Committed revision 1702.
bzr: ERROR: Unable to find the upstream source. Import it as tag upstream-0.9.4+r4177 or build with --allow-fallback-to-native.

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