Upgrading pristine-xz on jubany

Vincent Ladeuil vila+udd at canonical.com
Fri Jun 29 11:04:10 UTC 2012

Breaking news on the topic below ;)

>>>>> Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> writes:

    > On Jun 11, 2012, at 01:54 PM, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
    >> It's unclear to me that we are *known* as a primary consumer.
    >> It's clear that we need fixes faster. Being able to report better bugs
    >> should helps us getting there and also make us known as a primary
    >> consumer.
    >> > And it provides better service to Ubuntu developers if we can turn
    >> > around an upgrade of that sort of thing without communication
    >> > across a Dev/Ops boundary.
    >> I agree with this goal too.
    >> For the record, I have a trivial fix for pristine-xz that address 2
    >> failures and a wip that could well fix the ~140 left on quantal.

    > Foundations team had a brief discussion about this today, and we'd
    > love to get this fixed.  For example, we were looking at
    > packagekit, which is out-of-date because of this problem.

'packagekit' should now be ok, I requeued it a few minutes ago and the
import succeeded unleashing:

 2012-06-29 10:36:41  0:18:32 packagekit
Imported:  ubuntu     quantal      0.7.2-4ubuntu3
Imported:  debian     sid          0.7.4-1
Imported:  debian     sid          0.7.4-2
Imported:  debian     wheezy       0.7.4-2
Imported:  ubuntu     quantal      0.7.4-2ubuntu1
Imported:  debian     sid          0.7.4-3
Imported:  debian     wheezy       0.7.4-3
Imported:  debian     sid          0.7.4-4
Imported:  debian     wheezy       0.7.4-4
Imported:  ubuntu     quantal      0.7.4-4ubuntu1
Imported:  ubuntu     quantal      0.7.4-4ubuntu1
Imported:  ubuntu     quantal      0.7.4-4ubuntu2
Imported:  debian     sid          0.7.5-2

If you have other specific targets, let me know. There are 359 failures
currently and I will requeue them progressively.

    > If I'm reading the thread correctly, the choices are roughly
    > between upgrading jubany to precise

This has just been done and I'm currently looking at
fallouts/enhancements this triggered.

    > and backporting pristine-tar and xz-utils (and their dependencies)
    > to precise, or in some way getting the importer running on
    > quantal.  

This is still being working on, upgrading on precise being the first
significant step.


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