Moving udd away from sqlite

Vincent Ladeuil vila+udd at
Thu Jun 21 16:22:22 UTC 2012

>>>>> James Westby <james.westby at> writes:

    > On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 15:35:44 +0200, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
    >> As I understand it, James still needs to do some work to get Storm to
    >> not require as strict of an isolation level. For me personally, I'd
    >> rather he was the one doing the rollout and we can help monitor it.
    >> But we certainly want to know when it is going to happen.

    > I need to do that, as well as some unicode fixes. I'll get those done
    > and up for review by the end of this week.

    > I'll then spin up an ec2 instance to run in parallel and do everything
    > except push the branches back, and leave this running over the weekend.


Don't forget to start with a copy of the jubany dbs (or not, but then
you'll be importing everything to catch up).

    > Then on Tuesday morning my time (starting 1300 UTC) I'll do a
    > deployment of the code to production if (reviews, ec2) don't show
    > any problems. We can then carefully monitor the service for the
    > next few days.

Yup, don't forget to do a backup of the dbs first.

    > Rollback is to revert the storm code again 

Restore the dbs.

    > and requeue any packages that failed due to storm-related errors.

That shouldn't be necessary if we restore the dbs ?

    > Once this is rolled out we can start work on the migration to postgres:

    >   * Obtaining a postgres server and credentials from IS
    >   * Prepare config changes to use postgres
    >   * Stop the importer
    >   * Migrate dbs in to postgres
    >   * Deploy the config changes
    >   * Restart the importer

    > Rollback is to stop the importer, revert the config changes,

restore the dbs.

    > then restart the importer and let it catch back up.

    > How does that sound to everyone?


Thanks for working on this on a staging server, hopefully we'll have a
real one at some point...


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