Moving udd away from sqlite

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Jun 21 13:35:44 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1


> We'd definitely be in favour of this. Do we need to co-ordinate 
> timings with you, or can we just fire off the MP and let you
> handle it, the deploy & rollback?
> From our end, it would probably be best if you could do the
> rollout with the Storm changes when James Westby is around, since
> he has the most experience debugging these issues.
> jml

As I understand it, James still needs to do some work to get Storm to
not require as strict of an isolation level. For me personally, I'd
rather he was the one doing the rollout and we can help monitor it.
But we certainly want to know when it is going to happen.

directory.c.c says that James is now in Canadian timezone, so it is a
little bit difficult since our team is all in EU. Do we know what TZ
Max Bowsher is in? As he would also be a good case for keeping an eye
on the service.

So for rollout, I would say have James do it early in his morning
(corresponding to our late afternoon), and then keep a close eye on
the importer through the next couple of days.

Rolling back is mostly just a "bzr pull -r X" and then requeing the
packages that failed with deadlocks?

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