Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: Upgrading pristine-xz on jubany

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at ubuntu.com
Mon Jun 18 20:35:21 UTC 2012


Stephane is highly experienced with LXC and does a lot of work with it.

On 06/15/2012 04:43 AM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
> Dear Stephane,
> Can you comment about running quantal LXC container on Lucid host?
> It would help package importer a lot.
> Regards,
> Dmitrijs

Hi Dmitrijs,

I wouldn't recommend running LXC on 10.04, the kernel lacks some
required features and the userspace is really quite behind.
Not to mention that these are not secured by apparmor.

Instead I'd strongly recommend going with an Ubuntu 12.04 host and
running the quantal container on top of that.
This way you get the "supported" LXC stack, with apparmor and a working
quantal template.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Upgrading pristine-xz on jubany
> Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 10:32:59 +0200
> From: Vincent Ladeuil <vila+udd at canonical.com>
> To: Barry Warsaw <barry at ubuntu.com>
> CC: ubuntu-distributed-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
>>>>>> Barry Warsaw <barry at ubuntu.com> writes:
>     > On Jun 14, 2012, at 05:21 PM, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>     >> - I'm already running successful tests inside a quantal lxc
> container :)
>     > It has become for many of us not just a nice-to-have but a
>     > must-have for Ubuntu development.
> That's my understanding as well.
> Here are my last achievements for the week:
> - I got in touch with pristine-tar maintainers resulting in a trivial
>   bugfix included in 1.25. This is a small step in getting *known* as a
>   primary consumer but it also demonstrates that we can get fixes
>   upstream quickly (1.25 has already been uploaded to sid and quantal).
> - I got in touch with xz maintainers and a fix is on its way there
>   (many thanks to Lasse Collin for its invaluable help here). This will
>   require an additional fix to pristine-xz which I will submit as soon
>   as I can test the xz fix).
> With these fixes in place, on quantal, it should remain only < 10
> pristine-tar import failures out of the current 338 on jubany. Said
> failures include crazy stuff like tarballs containing files with 0000
> chmod bits... I haven't looked more precisely how to fix that (and I'm
> not sure it's worth digging for now).
> And don't forget that when a package fail to import one release, all the
> subsequent ones are blocked as well. When we fixed the bzip2 issue last
> January, ~70 packages were blocked accounting for ~800 releases (don't
> quote on these numbers, it's just a vague remembering but the scales
> should be ok).
> I also have a pending patch for bzr-builddeb that makes it easier to
> test against pristine-tar failures (will probably submit an mp for that
> today). Roughly, both builddeb and pristine-tar use temp files so when
> the import fails, the context is lost. The fix is to save enough of the
> temp files to be able to re-run pristine-tar alone without re-trying an
> import (the test cycle is then reduced to seconds instead of hours).
> With these 3 fixes, we'll be in a far better position to be more
> reactive to pristine-tar failures in the future (running quantal will
> then mean that getting fixes will be as simple as stopping the importer,
> running apt-get upgrade and restart the importer).
> It also means that testing can occur on quantal without the need to
> install a bunch of pre-requisites in sync with what is deployed on
> jubany (which can quickly get totally out of control).
> I'm still investigating running a quantal lxc container right now on
> jubany (any feedback about lxc on *lucid* welcome especially known
> issues that has been fixed in precise).
> Once I validate this we can look at deploying a quantal lxc
> container on jubany.
>           Vincent

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