Moving udd away from sqlite

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at
Thu Jun 14 22:36:48 UTC 2012

On 14/06/12 23:23, James Westby wrote:
>   3) Deploy the storm code, but migrate the db to postgres at the same
>      time. It introduces more changes at the same time so is riskier,
>      but we're fairly sure we won't see the locking issues with
>      postgres. I'm pretty sure that we can still rollback from this
>      fairly easily, as we can just go back to the sqlite dbs and the
>      importer will pick up from where it left off, duplicating some
>      work.

option 3) has +1 from me. I can help out if things go wrong. I don't
know storm, but I have been doing a lot of orm work on top of postgres
in python.


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