Upgrading pristine-xz on jubany

Max Bowsher _ at maxb.eu
Fri Jun 8 16:10:21 UTC 2012

On 07/06/12 09:15, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>>>>>> Max Bowsher <_ at maxb.eu> writes:
>     > An LXC just for this feels like an overengineered solution to me.
> Maintaining a single lxc container config file is less work than
> backporting a growing number of packages.
> It has the benefit of isolating the importer into its own container
> allowing us to rely on packages specifically targeted to our needs when
> needed without requiring inclusion in -cat archives and brings us closer
> to the platform used by packagers *avoiding* many failures.

> I.e. using an lxc container allows us to migrate to quantal *now*
> whereas jubany will get precise... at an unknown date. It also means
> that when pristine-tar is fixed upstream we get it more quickly deployed
> with minimal effort.
> I'd rather rely on the ubuntu community to keep the packages we need
> up-to-date than dealing with a growing list of packages that need to be
> backported by a smaller team.

Right, I agree we should use stuff straight from Ubuntu when we can, but
I don't agree that it's necessarily wrong to customize our deployment
practices to get fixes faster.

In particular, I've been pinged on IRC about whether we can fix a couple
of these packages soon, and it seems to me that I could do just that -
and do it this weekend - by installing new xz and pristine-tar versions
just for the importer. So I'd quite like to do that.

> backporting pristine-tar is not enough, xz-utils is also needed, with
> its own dependencies.

It can't be *that* onerous, can it? :-)

> Moreover, we want to hand over the deployment to
> Canonical ops so adding more manually installed dependencies doesn't
> seem to go in the right direction.

OK, this is going to be controversial, but.... I don't think we should
be planning to hand the deployment over to Canonical Ops any time soon.

The needs, and bugs, of the importer still seem to be evolving at a pace
where retaining full control in the hands of those with domain specific
knowledge seems to be a far far better option than enforcing a Dev vs.
Ops divide.

> Don't get me wrong, I *did* push to get to the point where we could use
> branches for bzr and bzr-builddeb (let's ignore distro-info...) but I'd
> prefer to draw the line there, these are packages we are upstream for
> and it makes sense to be able to quickly deploy fixes if only to test
> them before official releases are cut.

On the other hand, we're (one of?) the primary consumers of
pristine-tar, so it's not really much of a stretch.

And it provides better service to Ubuntu developers if we can turn
around an upgrade of that sort of thing without communication across a
Dev/Ops boundary.


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