etc-init.d-mass-import is now inaccurately named?

Vincent Ladeuil vila+udd at
Fri Aug 24 09:13:32 UTC 2012

>>>>> Max Bowsher <__ at> writes:

    > As far as I can see, etc-init.d-mass-import is no longer installed in
    > any /etc/init.d/ directory.

    > Am I wrong, or shall I do a MP to rename it?

You're right.

It's now run via the crontab (which ensures it runs in the quantal
chroot) and the webops should have deleted it from jubany's /etc/init.d.

The last test I wanted to have run is to reboot jubany to ensure the
'@reboot' line in the crontab was correct. I'm half-sure the test was

For the record, it was named this way to remind people that the
deployment wasn't automated and tell them where the file should be
installed. The README and README_DEPLOYMENT files will need to be fixed
as well (I don't think there are other references to it but checking
won't hurt).


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