package importer status after DC move

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Aug 21 08:05:31 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 8/21/2012 1:57 AM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
> Hello,
> I noticed that for example lp:ubuntu/distcc is out of date, not
> pending, nor failed in package-importer.
> Is everything ok with the package importer?
> $ bzr tags -d lp:ubuntu/distcc Most recent Ubuntu version: 3.1-5
> Packaging branch version: 3.1-4ubuntu2 Packaging branch status:

I know that we got a bit of a backlog since the weekend. (I think the
peak was around 2000 packages to be imported.) At this point I still
see 289 pending jobs. However, looking at:

I don't actually see it listed (as a failure, nor as a pending job).

There are a couple possibilities I see:

1) The importer is just busy and hasn't caught up to the new distcc
revision. I'm not sure how often the 'give me new updates to process'
gets run. If it only runs once we finish up the current queue, this is
perfectly reasonable.

2) There is a problem with the 'give me new updates to process'. I
don't expect this to be a problem, but it would be possible that
distcc-3.1-5 got missed somehow, and it isn't getting queued. AIUI
this will resolve itself as soon as 3.1-5ubuntu1, etc (any newer
package) gets uploaded. As this will trigger an update of the new
package and it will catch up on any old ones.

This might have happened if there was an odd way the data got captured
during the migration. (For example, we asked for all updates from
Saturday, and moved our pointer to Sunday. Then the package
distcc-3.1-5 shows up, but it is recorded as happening on Saturday, we
wouldn't ask for Saturday again.)

I don't think this is the issue, I'm still betting on (1).

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