Requesting merge of ICU

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at
Thu Aug 16 22:23:58 UTC 2012

On 16/08/12 20:28, Dan Kegel wrote:
> Hi!
> ICU isn't building in Quantal.  The same bug appears to be fixed in debian, see
> and it seems like it's time to merge a new version.

The package is in sync with debian, so actually you want to do a sync

You can perform sync requests with $ request-sync tool.

> 'bzr log' says
> committer: Package Import Robot <package-import at>
> ...
> committer: Package Import Robot <package-import at>
> ...
> committer: Package Import Robot <package-import at>

It says that for every single revision, of every package that get
uploaded into ubuntu archive. It might not say that, if the developer
chose to commit to the branch instead of letting the package importer do
it instead.

> so I gather the robot usually does the import, and the robot's page
> says to discuss it here.

Other way around, people upload into the archive & importer notices it
and creates a branch. Branches are not authoritative, the archive is.

> The freeze just started, though, and I hear this means no more
> robotic merges.

The freeze started.... for precise 12.04.1 release. The freeze for
Quantal is next week.

There are no robotic merges. There are autosyncs from debian.


> What's the right thing to do here (remembering that I'm an outsider,
> barely aware of Ubuntu or Debian processes)?

The right thing to do is to follow this:

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