Importer stopped since Sunday?

James Westby james.westby at
Tue Apr 10 00:50:02 UTC 2012

On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 01:08:25 +0100, Max Bowsher <_ at> wrote:
> It looks like someone stopped the UDD importer on Sunday?
> James W. has a 'crontab -e' editor open from around that time.
> Anyone know what's going on, and if it's safe to restart?
> We're failing rather dismally at providing prompt imports at the moment.


Firstly my apologies for not sending a mail about this at the time.

Some time on Saturday night the importer started failing hard with
sqlite contention errors. The mass-import process was stuck, so nothing
was being imported, and the cronjobs were failing causing two emails to
be sent every 5 minutes.

Given that nothing was being imported anyway, I stopped the process
until I would have more time to investigate after the long weekend.

I suspect the changes are somehow related to my storm changes, but I
don't know what the relationship is yet. It ran fine for a couple of
days, so we should be fine to restart and process the queue. It may well
fail again though.



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