UDD up-to-date

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Tue Sep 27 09:34:57 UTC 2011

progress in recent weeks:

 * John did great work to give much faster branching of large linear
histories, like linaro-gcc: this is now 3x faster (down from 3h to 1h
to branch to me in Australia; flatlined pipe would be about 15m so
there's some room for more)

 * package importer is getting smarter at dealing with lp downtime,
and at the same time lp is doing great work on not having any downtime

 * bzr 2.4.1 is in Oneiric: many speedups compared to Natty - I am
happy to hear at least some developers say "speed is generally no
longer an issue"

 * jelmer is working on multi-tarball imports with good progress

 * mgz joined the canonical bazaar team, hooray

 * jam's working on high-availability for the launchpad bzr server, so
that when launchpad do an update clients will smoothly disconnect and

mgz, jam and vila will be at UDS-P: we need to propose some session
topics: at the moment I'm thinking of one about
BuildFromBranchIntoArchive, one about quilt merging, one about
bzr/lp/udd in general.  Any other ideas?


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