Our biweekly meetings

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Sep 14 12:56:07 UTC 2011

On Sep 14, 2011, at 04:51 PM, Martin Pool wrote:

>Thanks, Barry, for raising this, and for your thoughts.  I was
>flattened by flu last week, but am well now.

I'm glad you're feeling better!

>I think the key things are communication about what we've
>accomplished, and making sure we understand what we can do next that
>will most help Ubuntu developers.  The meeting was a really great
>forum to tell what we've done, and I think a fairly good forum to find
>out what to do next, though a bit limited by sampling only a subset of
>keen users.

Do you have any suggestions for improving the format or agenda of the IRC
meetings, so that you're getting the most out of them?

Unfortunately, I do think the IRC meetings suffer from timezone spread.  It's
completely understandable that we often can't get everyone we want at the
meetings, and until the earth stops rotating, that's really not going to

>Concretely, what we could do is this: I will send out a mail twice per
>month saying what we got done in the last month, and what we plan to
>do in the next month.  Then we can have discussion either here or on
>irc about whether that's good or bad and whether the future plans are
>on track.  That can also mesh in with other monthly/quarterly/annual
>reporting/planning for Canonical.

I think this is a great plan.

>I'm sure that like for abstraction layers in computer science,
>anything in management can be solved by adding communication except
>having too much communication.  Nevertheless this seems worth a go.
>Other ideas welcome.

Let's try your idea of communicating primarily on this list.  We can schedule
IRC meetings when we need higher bandwidth discussion, such as possibly
mapping out what we want to accomplish at UDS.

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