Our biweekly meetings
James Westby
james.westby at canonical.com
Wed Sep 14 02:46:38 UTC 2011
On Tue, 6 Sep 2011 08:57:03 -0400, Barry Warsaw <barry at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> At our last meeting, we talked about starting up the UDD bi-weekly meetings
> again this week (Wednesday Sept 7 @ 1100 UTC). However, both Martin and I are
> pretty tired of the old format, so let's think about how we can restructure
> the meeting to be most effective for everyone. If we really don't think we
> *need* them anymore, that's fine too.
> What would *you* like to get out of these meetings?
Thanks for starting the discussion Barry.
The reason that I haven't been at the last few meetings is that I'm not
someone who is naturally awake at 7am, so I've tended to miss them. I
can make a more consistent effort if desired. To be clear, I don't
resent the time, I realise we are in a near-impossible situation, it's
just hard to argue with my sleeping self sometimes :-)
I'm not sure that it's directly related to the meetings, but I wonder if
everyone is in a similar position to me, where they aren't sure where we
are on the roadmap we outlined at UDS, and hence what would be next to
work on. Indeed whether that roadmap is still the right order in which
to be doing things.
I agree that highlighting success would be good, and a roadmap at least
defines what success is, but to know if you are progressing you need to
keep track of where you are.
In addition I don't know if we aren't making progress in some area we
could be because it isn't clear. I would hate to think that I was
holding things (or even worse: people) up because I wasn't doing
If I'm not the only one, then we could look at ways of fixing that,
which may involve the meeting. If I am the only one then I'll work out
what I need to do to stay up to date, and maybe that involves setting my
alarm clock :-)
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