Collision branches

James Westby jw+debian at
Wed Sep 7 21:48:36 UTC 2011


Thanks for fixing the bugs that were preventing merge proposals for
getting filed for collisions.

This had led to a surge in the number of such merge proposals. This is
mainly due to a backlog, but there have been 10 or so in the two days

You can see the extent of this by searching for ubuntu-branches at

Colin has valiantly reviewed some of them (maybe half, thanks Colin,)
and has found that in none of the cases so far were the collisions
"real" in the sense that someone pushed and someone else uploaded
something different.

There was one case at

which seems to indicate a bug though.

>From my previous experience going through these merge proposals the
majority of issues will be caused by the representation of quilt
in the branch.

Can the Bazaar team do something to stop this influx of merge proposals
that must be sorted, leaving just "real" ones? Does this have to involve
work on looms?



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