lp:ubuntu/euca2ools import failure

Max Bowsher _ at maxb.eu
Tue Jun 14 20:54:38 UTC 2011

> On Jun 14, 2011, at 10:54 AM, Scott Moser wrote:
>>   I am the cause of the euca2ools import failure
>> http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/euca2ools.html .
>>   I'd like to have all the lp:ubuntu/<suite>/euca2ools branches up to
>> date.  I really like the functionality that udd provides, but have
>> apparently been at odds with the importer in some situations.
>>   I *think* that its valid to push to those branches with 'UNRELEASED'
>> versions, to provide for better logging, right?  Ie, I would make a
>> change, debcommit it, push it, then repeat, and then eventually debcommit
>> -r and push and upload.  That is valid, right?

It is absolutely valid to push intermediate commits to these branches.
The one thing to watch out for, is that if you do an upload, be sure to
push your branch immediately after (if not before). Once the importer
has decided that a particular Bazaar revision is associated with a
particular package version, it does not like having this mapping disturbed.

>>   One way or another, I'd like to have the branch fixed.  I can live
>> without any intermediate commit messages that caused problems.

I asked poolie to do the necessary, but it ended up as a victim of
http://pad.lv/797088 - on the plus side, it ought to now get fixed when
that painful issue is resolved.

On 14/06/11 16:01, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> Don't forget to `bzr mark-uploaded` when you dput, and before you push the
> branch.  That adds a tag taken from debian/changelog and helps the importer
> know what's going on.  It might be nice to have debcommit do that
> automatically, but I don't know if that's feasible or wise.

'bzr mark-uploaded', whilst sounding quite magical, is just an alias for
'bzr tag <version from debian/changelog>' - and in fact, 'bzr tag'
itself (with no version) will do the same (requires moderately recent
bzr and bzr-builddeb versions).

As a result of this just being a tag, "debcommit -r" will already do the
right thing.


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