Package branch freshness

Barry Warsaw barry at
Mon Jul 18 23:20:49 UTC 2011

On Jul 19, 2011, at 09:09 AM, Martin Pool wrote:

>Thanks for testing this so quickly, Barry.

No problem.  I'm *very* excited to see this get added.

>Some of the verbosity was my idea, just to make sure that people
>understood this was specifically a check of the packaging branch
>against the published package, and so they wouldn't confuse this with
>a message about the wt being out of date.  I agree putting the numbers
>at the start would be easier to scan, and your other form would also
>work pretty well.

Cool.  I know this is easily bikeshedded, so I trust y'all to come up with
nice output.

>I wonder if we should give a url or some kind of advice on what to do
>in the case it is out of date.

That's an excellent idea.  I'd love to have some pages on mitigation
strategies, probably in the wiki to foster quicker turn around and wider
participation.   Now that it's been condensed, a subpage under

would be perfect I think.  I can create the subpage if you want, but I'd love
to have the bzr team help fill in the content.

FWIW, what I generally do is to use `bzr import-dsc` to get a branch I can
hack on.  It doesn't fix the import problems, but it generally allows me to
get unblocked for the immediate task.

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