udd meeting minutes

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Thu Feb 10 05:08:49 UTC 2011

We had a brief meeting about UDD progress this morning, the minutes are at


= Summary =

 * The package importer is progressing well.  It was a bit disrupted
by the wheezy release but we're fixing things from that and it should
happy again soon.
 * mbp sent out a Canonical-internal invitation to do an engineering
rotation to work on UDD.
 * Canonical's Bazaar team is tracking their short-list of work on
https://bugs.launchpad.net/~canonical-bazaar/+assignedbugs and we'll
use the kanban at
https://devpad.canonical.com/~mbp/kanban/bzr-kanban.html (sorry
private atm) to monitor it
 * Working on https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/BuildFromBranchIntoPrimary

= New Actions =

 * poolie to advertise udd projects to non-staff contributors
 * poolie to integrate jml's feedback into lep
 * poolie to meet with allison re lep
 * poolie to meet with robbiew re lep
 * jam to propose/report plan for quilt imports
 * poolie forward/link to

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