Import layout of Quilt v3 packages

Barry Warsaw barry at
Tue Feb 8 02:02:33 UTC 2011

On Feb 08, 2011, at 06:00 PM, Martin Pool wrote:

>At the moment it seems to me we need to either: import to looms and
>mandate using looms; or check in things with everything expanded and
>provide glue that will keep the quilt data up to date with the wt.
>(Perhaps they should be considered derived data and updated from a

One other use case to keep in mind: it's sometimes necessary to remove quilt
patch files.  One of the things you do when you merge in a new upstream is to
review the current set of patches to see what's been applied upstream.  You'll
delete those patches, and of course may need to resolve conflicts in
subsequent patches that touch the same code.

I think that would correspond to a combine-thread in the loom that throws away
the changes in one thread.


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