Import layout of Quilt v3 packages

Barry Warsaw barry at
Mon Feb 7 23:26:16 UTC 2011

On Feb 04, 2011, at 10:22 AM, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

>d) How often is it that patches are directly layered on top of
>   each other (textually)? So patch 1 makes it 'hello\nworld\n' and
>   patch 2 changes it to "hello world\n". Or some other "patch 1 must \
>   be applied before patch 2 makes *any* sense"

I think it's fairly common that patches are layered.  Certainly the ui for
quilt implies a strong stacked relationship between the patches.

>   Because if they all are textually different, then it is strictly
>   redundant. But otherwise it is possible for one to introduce state
>   that another mutates, which wouldn't be reflected in the working
>   state.
>e) looms, still a bit of a question how this interacts with everything
>   else.

I'd say, "not so well" ;)

>1) As I understand it, most people are in favor of *not* versioning the
>   .pc directory. So that when you do "bzr branch lp:ubuntu/foo" you'll
>   get a tree with:

I agree with James that 1) the .pc directory should not be versioned, and 2)
we want to keep the property of branch-and-hack, meaning all patches are
already applied in the source branch.

>All this may change again if we switch the importer to use looms, since
>then you can do stuff like merge the patches one-by-one up the stack
>until you get to the top, without having to deal with conflicts in .diff

It'll be really nice if I can work on a quilt3 package with just moving up and
down the threads.

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